My name is Katharine, I’m a mother of three children and work part time. I started this blog as I enjoy photographing my plants and sharing how I go about growing them. By showing what works for me and what doesn’t I know I’m inspiring people to relax and just have a go.
I’m always challenged for time, but when I have some to spare, you’ll find me in the garden. Most plants can lift my spirits but I have one favourite pick-me-up – Camellia sinensis – better known as tea! No matter how short of time I am, there’s always time for a garden tea break. It’s when I notice the good, the bad, and the pests.
You’ll see many beautiful plants on this blog but believe me – the weeds are never ending, as are the botanical flops. It’s amazing what you can achieve with short chunks of time and I find the pleasure of a pretty flower will always outweigh the disappointment of ideas unfulfilled. I love my garden warts, weeds and all.
What’s in my garden?
I am currently attempting to tame a large garden in the Chiltern Hills but I have been gardening since I was a child, with only a very short break during the teenage years when other activities seemed more tempting. I started with a little patch in my parents’ Sheffield garden, moved up a storey to a London balcony and then progressed to a tiny city courtyard. There will never be enough time or money to achieve all I would like in my large garden but slowly, step by step, I’m making progress.

Pond garden, greenhouse, woodland walk and rose garden at the Tea Break Gardener’s Chiltern Hills garden.
I have many plans for my garden and I am always adding new plants and making small changes. I’m not shy of making big changes too. In 2018 I bought a longed-for new greenhouse, in 2019 I built a woodland path, rockery and pond, and in 2020 I redeveloped a border into a tropical theme.
Each continues to develop as I add new plants and take away a few that aren’t working. My weekly seasonal diaries plot what I’m doing or thinking about doing. I write for the Alpine Garden Society website too and my diaries as a beginner alpine gardener can be found by clicking here.
Gardening is one of those things that is best learned by doing. There is no substitute for getting your hands dirty and I aim to inspire readers of this blog to take the plunge and just do it. I’m happy to help with any questions you may have so do leave a comment at the end of my articles, get in touch by email, or on social media. You can find me on social media by clicking the icons on my homepage. I’m particularly active on Twitter.