Warming up for spring
This week has seen the entry of warp speed Spring as the weather warms up to above seasonal averages. I have been admiring Pieris and tulips, shopping for the shade and planting sweet peas.
This week has seen the entry of warp speed Spring as the weather warms up to above seasonal averages. I have been admiring Pieris and tulips, shopping for the shade and planting sweet peas.
This week I have been gardening in perma-cloud but plenty of summer colour is promised in my dahlias, cannas, bananas and roses. Daphne mezereum is scenting the air and I welcomed some Trilliums into the garden.
My gardening week - six on saturday - 07.04.18 This week I was thankful for forsythia, showing daffodils, admiring Camellia and Pleione, making homes for more alpines and bringing an old cold frame into service.
My gardening week - six on saturday - 31.03.18 This week I planted up a Gloriosa lily, took difficult decisions regarding my veg patch and delighted in a new Elephant's Ear shoot. I also admired the succulent roof on a bird table, planted some mini iris seeds and celebrated victory over fungus gnats.
My gardening week - six on saturday - 24.03.18 This week I decided to start planning a woodland path, pruned a wayward climbing rose, admired an Anemone, potted up dahlia tuburs, learned about an inspirational alpine gardener and decided on utilities for my new greenhouse.
My gardening week - six on saturday - 17.03.18 This week I admired wild cherries, a beautiful paperbush plant and my evergreen ferns. I also planted out spent forced bulbs, spotted a ladybird and was pleased to see plastics reduction in action.
This week I have visited Kew gardens, which has shaped my thoughts since and made me dream big for my new greenhouse.
A week in the cold - Six on saturday. This week I have been admiring Cyclamen cuom, hellebores, flowering quince and the new leaf on my Monstera deliciosa, whilst tracking animals in the snow and planting my show bench sweet peas (again).
Snowdrops are simple tough plants yet delicately beautiful. A pure white snowdrop finds its perfect foil in the a green of a lawn. So often snowdrops are contained in flowerbeds or tucked away under hedges and trees, or the far reaches of a lawn. I wanted to bring them into the spotlight. Now, from late January, my car headlights pick out mini pricks of bright white as I come up the drive in the early evening. By day the snowdrops soften the edge of the lawn, the green sheet broken by a pretty white filigree.