The woodland walk is a fairly new addition to my garden but I’ve been amazed how quickly it’s come together.  Can we really have  conjured this place in just two years from a back area in the garden covered in nettles?

At this time of year, spring, the daffodils dominate and lighten the area in splashes of white and golden yellow but look closely and there are other treasures emerging.

Trillium albidumTrillium albidum

I planted this Trillium only a year ago and one flower has become three.  Will I have nine next year?  I hope so as it has a lovely upright shape, and speckled leaves arranged around the flowers in groups of three.  This variety is also called the Giant White Wakerobin but mine have a strong pink blushing.  I’ll be interested to see if the blushing fades as the flowers open.

Sanguinaria canadensis – Bloodroot

Sanguinaria canadensis

This plant is native to North America, seems extremely robust and is spreading well in my garden.  Planted from a 9cm pot eighteen months ago, the roots now cover an area the size of a large dinner plate and are supporting several pure white flower heads.  I love the way that the leaves curl round the emerging buds, cuddling them as the start opening.  When the flowers do open they have a stunning waterlily shape as the one I have growing is a double form.

Sanguinaria canadensis

The common name of this plant is bloodroot and allegedly the roots are beetroot red when cut.  I’m so happy with how my plant is performing I’m yet to try this but maybe one day curiosity will get the better of me.

Anemone nemorosa – Wood Anemone

Anemone nemorosa

One of the most searched for articles on my blog at the moment is about how to plant wood anemones.  Up until recently I felt a bit of a fraud for this since mine, planted 18 months ago, were seriously underperforming.  This was to be expected though as they are known to be very slow to establish.  However, the first flowers have begun to emerge on my plants and whilst I’d say the display still falls short of its full potential, in a few years it could be wonderful.  The flowers are delightful.

Primula elatior – Cowslip

Primula eliator

This mass of yellow primula flowers on long stems is a result of seed sown from the Alpine Garden Society Seed Exchange in 2019.  I think the clump could be split later in the season but for now I’m enjoying the frothy pale yellow mass glowing in the evening sun.

Narcissus Thalia

Narcissus thalia

These daffodils are very popular and it’s easy to see why.  The matching white coronas and sepals light up a shady area and there’s something about the delicate shapely petals and corrugated corona fluting that means the first adjective to spring to mind is invariably “charming”.

Can you have too much of a good thing? I do think I probably planted too many of these down in the woodland but they put on a fabulous show.  I think I will thin a few out so that they are in more distinct groups and so that I can plant a few new spring plants in between.

Narcissus cyclamineus ‘Rapture’

Narcissus cyclamineus 'Rapture'

A feature of cyclamineus narcissi is the swept back petals – reminiscent of a spaniel with its head out of the car window.  I like the pure golden yellow of these and they are a good counterpoint to the white Thalias.


This seasonal diary is part of a weekly link-up of garden bloggers from around the world, called Six on Saturday.  For more information and links to other blogs crammed with gardening activity, check the blog of host The Propagator.